

I recommend natural beauty, baby, and cleaning products that are just as effective as toxic ones.

Episode 6: Gretchen Tseng, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) & Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (CFNS)

Starting in the 5th grade, Gretchen experienced unexplainable health problems that persisted for years. In her senior year of college, she finally recieved a diagnosis of endometriosis and Hashimotos, and her doctor recommended that she research the powerful role of nutrition. This sparked her curiosity and prompted her to explore treatments outside of conventional medicine. For over 20 years, Gretchen has been helping others achieve health. In this episode, she shares extensively about her personal health journey including breast implant illness and explant surgery, her protocol with clients, the health practices she recommends, and so much more. If you are wondering about functional practitioners and/or have an interest health, then this is the episode for you.

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Episode 7: Natural Haircare with Jana Blankenship, Founder of Captain Blankenship

Episode 5: Suzanne Shade, Founder of Bare Hands