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Delicious & Nutritious Chocolate Chip Scones

Delicious & Nutritious Chocolate Chip Scones

Baking with simple, healthy ingredients is so rewarding. Food is either nourishing or harmful, but baking does not have to be the latter. With the right ingredients, baking treats can be satisfying and nourishing.

When you can, avoid prepackaged mixes to ensure you are only getting real, nourishing ingredients.

Take your time preparing these scones and enjoy them warm (though they will last fine on the counter if there are any left). These scones are made without refined sugar, butter, or canola oil.

 *This recipe is an adaptation of Dr. Weil’s multi-grain scones that has been refined over the years.




1 egg

1/2 cup coconut sugar

5 tablespoons melted coconut oil

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/4 cup oat bran

1 1/2 cups unbleached organic flour

2 tablespoons millet

2 tablespoons poppy seeds

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon ceylon cinnamon (learn why ceylon is better in this post)

3/4 cup almond milk

1/2 cup chocolate chips



  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

  2. Line a baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper.

  3. Whisk the egg, sugar and coconut oil together in a bowl.

  4. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining dry ingredients with a wooden spoon.

  5. Add half of the dry ingredients into wet mix, stir, and then the second half of dry ingredients to create a thick dough.

  6. Add the milk and stir well.

  7. Fold in chocolate chips.

  8. Separate dough into mounds on the baking sheet leaving space between them (makes about 8 scones).

  9. Bake for 15 minutes, until the tops are dry and beginning to crust.


If you are unable to find millet, double the poppy the seed. If coconut oil has solidified, briefly heat until it liquifies, before adding to the sugar. If not, it will clump and not disperse evenly.

Choose ceylon cinnamon over cassia or korintje varieties. Ceylon cinnamon has a lower concentration of coumarin which acts as a blood thinner and can be dangerous to the liver in high amounts.

Choose an almond milk that only contains water, almonds, and salt like Malk Organics.

When adding dry ingredients to wet ingredients, the dough becomes thick and can be difficult to stir. This is expected. Keep pressing and eventually the wet ingredients will combine with the dry.

Chocolate chips are optional! The recipe works well with or without them. If using chocolate chips, check the ingredients for only cane sugar, unsweetened chocolate, and cocoa butter like Enjoy Life.

Have you tried these healthy scones? Have questions about the recipe? Let us know in the comments section below!

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